Sad Spanish Eyes - A work in progress about the legend of La Llorona. All instruments, synths.,drums, bass, etc., were played and/or programmed by Michael Cantrall.
(c)2009 (p) 2009 Michael E. Cantrall
"Sad Spanish Eyes" From Wikipedia: [ ''La Llorona'' is Spanish for "The Crying Woman" and is a popular legend in Spanish-speaking cultures in the colonies of the Americas, with many versions. The basic story is that La Llorona was a beautiful woman who betrayed her children to be with the man that she loved and was subsequently rejected by him. Now a wandering ghost, her constant weeping is often heard at night and according to the tale, she will kidnap wandering children or children who misbehave. Parents often use this legend to warn their children to come home before darkness. The legend has many variations.]
See this link for more information about this famous legend of Mexico folklore:
Michael Cantrall at