2010-02-23 3rd Journal TRANSCRIPT: http://www.scribd.com/DeepPeace ♥ iTunes podcast http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=371766765 ♥ Blip.tv channel http://theresaaharvey.blip.tv/ Intro: It has been a strange, seemingly somewhat disjointed day. Odd things have come to me at odd times. Not altogether, like my normal journaling does. Interesting. I am reading the Anastasia book from the Ringing Cedars series, and it is simply amazing. There is no explaining these books. Some do not believe them, writing them off as fiction, but I have no trouble accepting what they say. The speak of a young woman who lives alone with nature in the wild forests of Siberia. She is so at one with nature that she seldom wears any clothes, lives in no house, and seems to have no man-made implements of any kind, save some odd items of clothing she wears to blend in when she moves among people. Thus, you can see why people would be disbelieving. After a journey into the no-mind, though, nothing looks the same. Old thoughts and beliefs, with the limitations they represent, just fall away, and you wonder where they went. Yep, I believe. It is a deeply touching story, especially for me, as I am one with at least aspects and elements of nature, too. No longer the body or the mind, I know myself quite easily as the crystal, the oceans, the trees, the land, the planets, the suns... As whatever, for all is One, after all, and this is no fairy tale. Ho ho, the fairies, themselves, are more real than so many of our beliefs. But anyway...it is sometimes wrenching to read this story. The heroine endures much at the hands of the hero, the author, for she is beyond any level of enlightenment or advancement that he can comprehend, and he is cruel to her, disdainful and disbelieving. He is a good author, making you feel this way...