Want to buy it? http://www.vat19.com/dvds/trapdoor-checkers-board-game.cfm?adid=youtube A comedian once quipped that telling someone you're good at Checkers is akin to saying you're not good at a lot of things. But regardless of whether or not you like Checkers, you're sure to love Trapdoor Checkers - a fun remix of the classic board game with an added element of chance along with super-cool trapdoors. The Trapdoor Checkers board (like a traditional Checkers board) is an 8x8 grid, but with the added twist of eight trapdoors that can be opened and closed by a series of sliders. At the beginning of each turn, players spin their "Randomizer" which determines if they can move a piece or activate one of the four rows of trapdoors. Designed for ages 7+. One spare checker of each color is included.