I-CON SF 2010: Anime Idol - Intro + Bill Rodgers Skit

Detrick V. 2010-04-18

Views 32

Event: Anime Idol at I-CON SF
Venue: Stony Brook University (SUNY)
Date: March 28, 2010

The Anime Idol Event at I-CON SF is introduced to the audience, this being the final round of it, having had its auditions and such done the day before.

There would be 6 contestants for this final round of Anime Idol, with them being split up into people who would sing either an English or Japanese song for it.

Due to 'technical difficulties', the event wasn't able to start as quickly as planned, but not before Bill Rodgers (of Pokémon USA fame) started a series of one-liner jokes to 'pass the time', with the judges soon following suit, interestingly enough!

The crowd seemed to enjoy the little 'intermission report' being done here, which made it a little easier to 'stomach' the wait for the final round of the Anime Idol Event.

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