People’s life includes chronological, physiological and psychological time. Physiological time (biological time) occurs in a physical manner. On the contrary of this, chronological time is lived in a historical manner. However, psychological time refers to movements of ideas/thoughts. Ideas/thoughts create memory and memory originates accumulated past experiences. Thoughts act from the past, to now and future. In this context, people live in psychological time. (E. Sener,2005).
When we look at the relation between dance and time, the observation is deceleration in movement is opposite with acceleration in memory. In this circumstances dance converts linear time.
Although dance is in balance between mind/memory, body and soul, memory perceives and lives chronological and psychological time. Body perceives and lives physiological time. in that case soul perceives metaphysical time.
It is explicated that relation between time both with movement and change how perceived by memory and soul