Another painful DLC FC, and the third one in a row. -_- Honestly, Monday's FC selection will be more of a performance than the past three put together.
Anyway, I've had quite a few people wanting me to try "Salute Your Solution" from the Raconteurs track pack, namely due to the wake of boss1592's amazing FC of it (YT channel name: bleeder999). However, I'm pretty sure he put in more of a performance than me - there are a LOT of line variations to learn here and knowing exactly which one comes where, which explains the more reduced consonant count than the usual. =s
He also said that the track is harder than any single song in GH5. Given how "Superstition" still gives me grief today I may want to contest that, but it STILL takes a lot of balls to pull off nevertheless.
Anyway, thanks :D