A typical summer lunch plan in Central Melbourne, might include a leisurely stroll, a bask in the sun, or some entertainment on the sidewalk.
And for something a little different, an energetic group of performers bring open air flying trapeze to the city.
[Steen Shoar, Flying Trapeze Australia]:
“We come down here to Victoria every summer, performing and teaching.”
Job satisfaction for these performers, well they seem to get as much as they give.
[Dylan Ehrenburg, Flying Trapeze Australia]:
“Oh it’s great, there’s nothing better than being in some sort of industry that creates laughter and fun for people, there’s a reward from every moment your up there working. Which is, it’s why we all do it.”
Part of Melbourne’s “Summer Fun in the City” series of events, getting people involved is a key part of the performances.
[Dylan Ehrenburg, Flying Trapeze Australia]:
“We do it everyday at 1:30 during the summer, and around the rest of the day we run classes, so the general public can watch a show, then they can step up and actually be a part of the show, which is the amazing part of doing it here.”
And one thing's for sure, they haven’t left out the slapstick humor.
[Steen Shoar, Flying Trapeze Australia]:
“It’s fantastic, yeah, we get out there, we do our little silly show, and put on a good show for the folks who are having lunch.”
Flying Trapeze Australia was established in 2000, with the aim of providing trapeze instruction and demonstration, and an uplifting, memorable experience for all involved.
[Jenny Miller, Local]:
“It was fabulous to see, really really good for the city of Melbourne.”
“Yeah I liked the outfits, they were pretty cute, and the yelling was exciting.”
The city aerial shows are set to wrap up in Melbourne on February 7.
NTD, Melbourne, Australia.