| Residential Painting Austin TX Residential Painting Austin TX | (866) 930-0934 Painting your house can do more than just change the way your house look. It can increase the value of your house, as well as make your house more energy efficient. Homeowners typically wait until their home’s paint start to show its age before they do something about it. But a home’s paint, especially on the exterior should be maintained on a regular basis. Failure to do so can result in spending a lot more money to replace the old paint. Southern Painting is a painting company that has the expertise and experience to transform your home’s look in a relatively short time. We have painted over 40,000 residential homes since 1989, which goes to show that we know what we’re doing. Visit to get a feel of what we are all about, or call us up at (866) 930-0934. We would love to hear from you and answer your questions. We offer free estimates so that you can have an idea of just how much our service will cost, and what exactly our service will consist of. Our paint colors are not just the standard colors that you can find in any hardware store. We carry a wide range of hard to find colors that can be used for exterior or interior painting. Our many customers here in Austin, TX chose us as their painting contractor because of our experience, and friendly professional service. Our services cover all of the Austin area including communities in the following zip codes: 77001, 77020, 77040, 77060, 77080, 77201, 77230, 77290, 77277 and 77223. When looking for painting contractors it is a must that you find out exactly what kind of paint they use. Some painting contractors use inferior paint to save on overhead costs, but Southern Painting use only premium paint and supplies for our customers’ homes. Our painters are clean, cautious and dependable. We select our staff carefully to ensure that they are committed paint professionals dedicated to doing ...