| # 1 | Brug video i din markedsføring

Bedrebusinessdk 2010-01-20

Views 28

Make it easy for your customers to choose you as their favorite supplier. Make a video, upload it so your customers can SEE what your products can do for them. YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world. And there are more video portals than YouTube. And most of them are more than just for the fun of it. You can use online video for promoting your business. The show is produced by Bjørn Johansen. The show is in Danish.

Gør det nemt for dine kunder at vælge dig som leverandør. Lav en video, upload den på nettet, så dine kunder kan se hvad du og dine kunder kan gøre for dem. YouTube er verdens næststørste søgemaskine og mere end pjat og pjank. Du kan også bruge den til at profilere din virksomhed. Se webshowet på Shovet bliver produceret af Bjørn Johansen.

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