Another Indian Student Killed in Australia

NTDTelevision 2010-01-04

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Twenty-one-year-old Indian student Nitin Garg was walking to his job at a fast food restaurant in Melbourne on Saturday, when he was attacked in a park.

He staggered into the restaurant and collapsed, and later died in hospital.

India's foreign minister condemned the attack, saying he thought Australia had agreed to take action, following a spate of attacks against Indian students last year.

[Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna, Indian Foreign Minister]:
"We were under the impression that the message had been registered with the people and the government of Australia. We were assured by the Prime Minister that the government of Australia and the provinces would take the most stringent actions according to the law of the land."

Last year's attacks triggered violent protests and strained bilateral ties between the two countries.

The latest attack has prompted India to issue Australia a warning.

[Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna, Indian Foreign Minister]:
"I would like to convey that if more attacks to this nature continue to take place in Australia then government of India will have to sincerely think as to what other courses of action that lies with government of India and I am hoping that government of India will not be pushed to take such positions."

Meanwhile, Australia's deputy prime minister has denounced the attack, which happened close to her home.

[Julia Gillard, Australian Deputy Prime Minister]:
"I obviously unreservedly condemn this attack. This attack happened actually very close to where I live, I live in Melbourne's west. I know the area well."

Australia's international student sector is the country's third largest export earner behind coal and iron ore, worth $13 billion Australian dollars
(US$11.7 billion) in 2007-2008, however a recent study found last year's attacks would cost the sector $78 million Australian dollars.

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