Company Distribution
There are companies out there that do distribution of post-it notes. There's a company called Markot. I 'm not going to recommend them because I tried them and I was not particularly happy.
You tell them what neighborhood you want, you give them the post-it notes, and they'll go out and distribute them on each and every door. They'll walk up and down the neighborhood and put them on the doors.
I had some problems with Markot. One was they'd tell you they were delivering them this week, and then something would happen and it would be next, and then the following week. I had some problems getting them to deliver them on the dates they chose.
I was always concerned when they did finally get around to it, because it seemed like my response was fairly muted compared to when I would have the post-it notes delivered myself by my people I trusted. It always made me wonder if they were getting out there in the exact number they state