Jean-Pierre Danel & Hank Marvin - Guitar Connection 2 (2007)

Jean-Pierre DANEL 2009-09-01

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Extrait de Guitar Connection 2 : enregistrement à Perth, Australie, du duo entre Jean-Pierr Danel & Hank Marvin, soliste des Shadows. "Nivram" se classera 14ème du Top 50 en France l'année suivante.
In English (but the first minute in French...). A part of the 40 minutes of the Danel/Marvin duet (from which the hit single "Nivram" made the Top 20 the following year in France). Interview, studio, making of... Recorded in Perth, Australia, December 2006. A lot more on the dvd Guitar Connection 2 (Sony Music).

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