Do you suffer from Constipation, Diarrhoea, foul Smelling Stools, urine and Flatulence? Do you have bad breath, strong body odour and sweat?. Do people keep their distance when in your company? Are you plagued with rumbling stomach, heartburn, chest pains, persistent coughing, itchy ears, nose and anus? Hunger pains that wont go away despite eating,?
Are you anaemic, loosing weight and feel weak despite a healthy appetite?
This could all be as a result of parasites. Don't run away with the idea that this only happens in poor third world countries.
I recommend the Liver and Bowel Herbal mix. This will help get rid of the mothers, daughters and eggs of the worms and parasites in the body, including the Liver Fluke which is the cause of many ailments suffered by the human race.
Nelson Brunton