The promoted New World Order is a Luciferian New Age one world government facist System to ensclave mankind totally! They want to control currency, family, freedoms, religions, they want to control all; there is nothing you have that they will not take away from you. Every one will be forced to let a chip be implantated in the right hand or forehand: it will contain the number of the Beast, the number of the Devil: 666 (Book of Revelations (last book of the Bible) 13:16-18) , without you can not buy or sell. Satanic!! Under NO circumstances is it allowed to accept this image of the Beast!! Who will be wearing the image of the Beast, the chip with 666, will thus be worshipping satan, the devil and will as consequence go to Hell, and burn for all eternity with the most unimagable tortures and other pains!! CAUTION: it will not be possible to remove this chip, because if you try to do so, a poison will flow from the chip into the body that will make you die almost immediately. When you have the chip been implantated in the NWO, the devil will possess you because of that (implicit) dedication to him: it seems therefore that there is practically no way any more to save your soul!
Of course Our Lord forbids us to condemn the pope (if we are condemning or cursing people, we are also worth for Hell (Matth. 5: 21-22, 7:1-2), but it is our duty to WARN for such uninmaginable EVIL as this DANGEROUS SATANIC NEW WORLD ORDER (especially for the soul) !!
If you want to have more information or evidence, you can search in for: New World Order or NWO etc.
Remark: I have uploaded this video to warn you for the NWO and the one world authority ("caritas in veritate"), proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI. In NO way I wanted to condemn his religion. The Roman Catholic faith is founded by Jesus Christ, God Himself. It is the only Truth and we can only be saved if we serve God as He wishes it, so by the religion founded by Himself.
That does not mean that leaders of this religion are always without error.