gangsta tall. kayla kane productions show. San Diego rap leg

Rokazq BBHcrew 2009-05-27

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gangsta tall. kayla kane productions show.
QwiccShott Freestyle LIVE SD HIP HOP IN DA STREETS !
JimRock "San Diego 2009's" Biggest San Diego promoter with the largest video views for San Diego on youtube and

vimeo and google kings of San Diego clubs, gaslamp and parties. you can see him on myspace with hundreds of

thousand of views.. he makes big moves for daygo streets from the 619 to 858 to 760 and the 442 . the 442 king

of San Diego streets with 442 parties. daygo streets love bbh crew and Jimrocks. and the homies in San Diego

southside to Esco back to vista and Shell town and National city pROPS TO GRAND ANGEL AND GRAND NOBLE AND TITO

THE KING OF IE . WITH Latino and latina events/ ALL over the block with thongs and latina girls at tangaloo and

babyrock with rosarito latina girls in esco to mira mesa gaslamp girls downtown belo, deco's and the on brodway

girls promoters know the best dj's in daygo dj nez and fingazz and fingaz and pleazy jimrock is the one doing

the most of sd. and daygo . grand angel been doing it big from Ie to La to San Diego streets. dago girls know

this . pROPS TO QWICCSHOT & two nines, ghostrider & lady kane productions. "QWICCSHOTT"N THEN props to" THA "O"

SIDER , props to licwit napalm Ent. Eastside Crips.props to GHOST WRITER , G-tall , Big Cee - 4th waiver Click

"San Diego Rap" , and lIcwid and props to ghost writer.
[email protected]

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