GD 9.21.72 Morning Dew
Join 10,000,000 For the Prosecution of Bush and Cheney for War Crimes, on Facebook. (this video is best experienced at high volume)
The war in Iraq was pushed forward under false pretense, has been conducted in an illegal and inhuman way, furthered the epidemic of world terrorism, and alienated our allies. These crimes have been perpetrated at the expense of the people who have pledged their very lives to protect and serve our nation, and have brought suffering, death, and misery to the Iraqi people. To Discuss these issues or help to fight for justice, join 10,000,000 For the Prosecution of Bush and Cheney for War Crimes, on Facebook. [ ]
this video used to be hosted on GoogleVids, but they shut down the link, so add 361 views to the total here :)