funny stick figure animation! #shorts#stick

umarbiswas448 2025-01-12

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This is a carton animation video. This carton animation is very beautiful. This is a funny carton video.

This video will win the heart of the viewer. Because, this video contains funny images, funny dialogues which can easily win the heart of anyone.

1. Rain wet stick figures:
A stick figure stands in the rain. He doesn't have an umbrella over his head, so he gets all wet. He tries to cover his head with a cloth in one hand, but that doesn't work either. "This is what happens when you forget to bring an umbrella on a rainy day," scrawled on the side.

2. Stick figures falling from trees:
A stick figure climbs a tree and suddenly falls down. His arms and legs are spread in the air. "This is why I don't climb trees," scrawled on the side.

3. Dumbbell lift stick figure:
A stick figure goes to pick up a dumbbell, but the dumbbell is so heavy that his face is crushed. "First Day at the Gym!" scrawled on the side.

4. Stick figures to repel birds:
A stick figure trying to perch a bird on the head. The bird is pecking its head, and the stick figure is trying to chase the bird away with both hands. "Won't you give me peace?"

5. Stick figure falling while running:
A stick figure stumbles and falls while running. "Start was good, but..." was written on the back.



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