Aired (January 9, 2025): Sam (Bea Alonzo) needs to face two enemies. Aurora (Jean Garcia), who wants to steal her son, and Amando (Lito Pimentel), who is believed to be the Palacios Killer. #GMANetwork #GMADrama #Kapuso
The newest murdery-mystery drama series on Philippine TV is here. Catch the latest episode of ‘Widows’ War’ on GMA Network 8:50 PM. Starring prominent Kapuso actresses Carla Abellana as George and Bea Alonzo as Sam. Also included in the cast are Tonton Gutierrez, Jeric Gonzales, Juancho Trivino, Jackie Lou Blanco, Lito Pimentel, Rita Daniela, Royce Cabrera, Lovely Rivero, James Graham, and Jean Garcia, with special appearances by Benjamin Alves and Rafael Rosell.
For more Widows’ War Full Episodes, click the link below: