Agra: Shocking incident near Salt Cafe on Fatehabad Road, Tajganj police station area, as a young man is brutally assaulted by a group of youths in broad daylight. The attackers used belts, slippers, kicks, and punches, throwing the victim to the groun

The Times Patriot 2024-12-27

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Video details:
Agra: Shocking incident near Salt Cafe on Fatehabad Road, Tajganj police station area, as a young man is brutally assaulted by a group of youths in broad daylight.

The attackers used belts, slippers, kicks, and punches, throwing the victim to the ground while a crowd of bystanders watched.

A video of the assault has gone viral on social media, sparking outrage.

#Agra #Violence #Tajganj #ViralVideo #PublicSafety


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