Fateh, a mystery man who believes he has left his past behind him, devotes himself to starting a tranquil new life in Punjab. However, when a local girl falls victim to cyber mafia and goes missing in Delhi, he is unable to walk away. With his powerful skills, Fateh emerges from self-imposed retirement as an avenging angel, determined to bring down the entire cyber mafia syndicate.
#FatehTeaser out now
#Fateh releasing in cinemas on 10th January in Hindi
Zee Studios & Shakti Sagar Productions Present
Staring - Sonu Sood, Jacqueline Fernandez, Naseeruddin Shah, Vijay Raaz, Shiv Jyoti Rajput
Directed By - Sonu Sood
Written By - Sonu Sood, Ankur Pajni
Produced By - Sonali Sood
Produced By - Umesh KR Bansal
Co-Produced By - Ajay Dhama
A Zee Studios Worldwide release