This Pie will be eaten FAST/Crunchy Greek Walnut Pie

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This old recipe I've found in my Grannie's cookbook👵🏻
It was signed as “Greek Pie”. And I was really surprised that the base of this pie is a yeast dough! That's so unusual😯
The center is fluffy and soft, and the top is crispy and melting

I decided to prepare even more recipes from this book. I hope you will like them too☺️

Watch step by step recipe in this video👇

📍Pin ingredients below this description as usual

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See U next time❤️

150 g unsalted butter
150 g sour cream 20%
2 eggs
150 g sugar
20 g yeast
1 p vanilla sugar
zest of 1 orange(it's optional, you can skip it)
a pinch of salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp vinegar
550 g all-purpose flour + a little for powdering dough

170 g walnuts
150 g sugar

70 g flour
50 g sugar
1 p vanilla sugar
40 g unsalted butter

150 g ungesalzene Butter
150 g saure Sahne 20
2 Eier
150 g Zucker
20 g Hefe
1 P. Vanillezucker
Schale von 1 Orange (optional, kann weggelassen werden)
eine Prise Salz
1/4 Teelöffel Backpulver
1/2 Teelöffel Essig
550 g Allzweckmehl + ein wenig zum Bestäuben des Teigs

170 g Walnüsse
150 g Zucker

70 g Mehl
50 g Zucker
1 P. Vanillezucker
40 g ungesalzene Butter

150 g 無塩バター
150 g サワークリーム 20%
卵 2個
150 g 砂糖
20 g イースト
バニラシュガー 1 p
オレンジの皮 1個分(お好みで省略可)
塩 ひとつまみ
重曹 小さじ1/4
酢 小さじ1/2
薄力粉 550 g + 生地粉用に少々

クルミ 170g
砂糖 150g

小麦粉 70g
砂糖 50g
1 p バニラシュガー
40 g 無塩バター

#walnutpie #pie #crunchypie #yeastdough #violetandkoikitchen #baking #homemadebaking

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