Gruppo Enrico Intra - album Nuova civiltà-Jazz in fabbrica 1972

Michael666u7 2024-12-06

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One of many albums recorded by jazz musician Enrico Intra from Milan. Pianist, composer, conductor and lover of the encounter between jazz music, jazz rock with European sounds, and in the following years of electronic music. "Nuova civiltà-Jazz in fabbrica" was recorded live in 1972 at the Ratti Company in Guanzate in the province of Como. It was amongb the first experiments of music brought to the factories and is composrd of a long suite divided in two sides. Marked jazz atmospheres with some experimental addictions.

Enrico Intra - piano.
Giancarlo Barigozzi - tenor saxophone.
Sergio Fanni - trombone.
Carlo Milano - contrabass.
Carlo Sola - drums.

Nuova civiltà part 1.
Nuova civiltà part 2.

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