Set against the backdrop of the late 19th century, L'Aquarium (The Aquarium) is a visually striking film that intertwines human curiosity, scientific exploration, and the mysterious world beneath the waves. In the year 1878, a wealthy Victorian family commissions the creation of a magnificent public aquarium to showcase the wonders of the ocean. The film explores not only the intricate beauty of marine life but also the human fascination with nature's most elusive creatures.
As the aquarium becomes the centerpiece of society's elite, people from all walks of life are drawn to its otherworldly exhibits. The aquarium houses rare fish, coral, and underwater plants, all displayed within large, ornate glass tanks. The film follows the lives of a young girl named Claire and her father, a passionate marine biologist, who works tirelessly to curate the perfect display.
However, as Claire spends more time observing the sea creatures, she begins to notice strange, almost supernatural occurrences in the water, as if the aquatic creatures are trying to communicate with her. As the boundaries between the natural world and the supernatural blur, Claire must confront both her father’s scientific worldview and her own growing connection to the mysteries of the deep.
With lush cinematography and a haunting score, L'Aquarium captivates audiences with its exploration of the intersection between art, science, and myth. The film touches on themes of human curiosity, the drive for discovery, and the secrets of the ocean that remain hidden beneath the surface.