Rishabh Pant made history at the IPL Auction 2025, becoming the most expensive player in IPL auction history with a staggering ₹27 crore bid from Lucknow SuperGiants (LSG). The wicketkeeper-batter, who had been with Delhi Capitals since 2016, was released ahead of this year's auction, making him a prime target. Delhi Capitals initially exercised their Right to Match (RTM) card to retain Pant at ₹20.75 crore, but LSG raised the stakes, forcing DC to withdraw. Pant, who made a strong comeback in IPL 2024 after recovering from a life-threatening car accident, had an average season with 446 runs, but his leadership and proven IPL experience made him a valuable asset. The record-breaking signing of Pant follows his illustrious career and marks a new chapter for LSG as they bolster their squad for IPL 2025
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