[StarCraft 2]No.0291--Great-Level ZERG vs Hard A.I, LOSS[2-Base Ravager-Ling Attack→Hydralisk Control-Plan]

Nii-chan 2024-10-19

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I did NOT play good--in this game. I wanted to keep on going doing the 2-Base Ravager-Ling, until I beat the Elite A.I with it. But, &, butt, I'm having trouble beating the Hard A.I with it; &, that means: I need to grow stronger. I do need to make the 2-Base Ravager-Ling Rush better; butt, I need to work on my control-game, too. I'm, always, bad at the control-game; &, I'm sort of trying to work on both: the fast-game, &, control-game. I do, still, want to beat the Elite A.I, a couple of times--using the 2-Base Ravager Ling.

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