'Big Brother' 26 Spoilers Who Won The Week 7 Veto, And The Big Issue It Created For Quinn's HOH

Cinema Blend 2024-09-18

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From the very start of Week 7, I said that Quinn Martin made a mistake winning Head of Household, and now we're finally getting to see why. After nominations already put some blood on his hands after he was forced to nominate two allies, he's potentially going to have to miss out on evicting his main target this week.

CinemaBlend is streaming "Big Brother's" live feeds and keeping tabs on all the activities in the house ahead of the episodes. Now, as Rubina Bernabe, Kimo Apaka, and Angela Murray await to find out whether or not they'll be evicted this week, the results of the veto ceremony may throw the rest of the house for a loop yet again.

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