Jumbo's debut album suffered production delay amd the second work "D.N.A." was released some months later the same year. The content of "D.N.A." was driving prog-rock with wild distorted electric guitars, keyboards, and flute, and a much more aggressive sound. The album is composed of four long tracks, , with the "Suite per il Signor K" occupying the entire first side.
Alvaro "Jumbo " Fella - vocals, acoustic guitar, saxophone, keyboards, percussion.
Daniele Bianchini - guitars.
Dario Guidotti - flute, harmonica, acoustic guitar, percussion.
Sergio Conte - keyboards, vocals.
Aldo Gargano - bass.
Vito Balzano - drums, percussion, vocals.
Suite: Per il Signor K.: Sta accadendo qualcosa dentro me/Ed ora corri/Dio è.
Miss Rand.
E' brutto sentirsi vecchi.
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