Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie [Sega Genesis ‧ US]

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About the Game:
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is the title of four different video game adaptations of the film of the same name which were released for the Super NES, Genesis, Game Boy and Game Gear. While the games are ostensibly based on the film, they also feature characters and plot elements from the second season of the original TV series. Like the previous game versions of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, none of the four versions of the movie game are ports of each other.

Source: Wikipedia

PUBLISHER: Sega, Banpresto
GENRE: Action, fighting, beat 'em up

LICENSE: This video can be used under "Fair Use." Feel free to use parts of this gameplay—just be sure to mention my channel, and we're good.

This game was recorded and played by me and has never been published or uploaded anywhere else (except on my YT channel). Most of the games on this channel were played using TAS (Tool-Assisted Speedrun) tools and are meant to serve as walkthroughs and entertainment. If you see this exact playthrough on any other channel, you can be sure it's a reupload without permission.

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