Study finds what drives us to procrastinate

SWNS 2024-09-03

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It’s official — procrastination o’clock hits at 12:06 p.m. on a Monday, according to new research.

From watching TV and movies (50%), to simply laying in bed (39%) or taking a nap (29%), a survey of 2,000 U.S. adults revealed that procrastination plagues the nation, as 71% of Americans are guilty of procrastinating. Still, 76% admit that they feel guilty when doing so.

Another place Americans will turn is to their phone, scrolling through social media to avoid their to-do list (42%). The average American spends almost two and a half hours on social media every single day, despite trying to limit their consumption to just under two hours (1.9). Still, 10% spend between five and eight hours scrolling and 18% don’t even attempt to try and limit their social media time.

Aside from social scrolling, respondents are also putting off tasks by playing video games (22%) and calling family and friends (19%). This may be why 28% admit that their phone is usually the main reason why they aren’t getting things done. Conducted by Talker Research on behalf of Dave’s Killer Bread, results also found that respondents would also rather grab a bite to eat (33%), go for a walk (30%) or drive (20%) or simply do nothing (31%) than tackle their to-do list.

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