Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has dismissed General Mykola Oleshchuk from his position as head of the Ukrainian Air Force following a public dispute related to a fatal F-16 jet crash. The incident, which resulted in the death of pilot Aleksey ‘Moonfish’ Mes, has ignited a heated controversy between Oleshchuk and MP Mariana Bezuglaya from Zelenskyy’s ruling Servant of the People party. Bezuglaya claimed that the jet was accidentally downed by a US-donated Patriot air defence system, a statement Oleshchuk vehemently denied, accusing her of undermining the military and aiding Russian propaganda.
#Zelenskyy #AirForceChief #F16Crash #GeneralOleshchuk #PilotDeath #UkraineMilitary #UkrainianAirForce #MilitaryScandal #ServantOfThePeople #Bezuglaya #PatriotMissile #FriendlyFire #UkraineConflict #DefenseFail #MilitaryLeadership