Prepare to be charmed by The Heiress and the Handyman, a delightful romantic drama directed by Marco Deufemia, featuring the talented Jodie Sweetin and Corey Sevier. Premiering on Hallmark on September 14, 2024, this heartwarming film follows a story of unexpected love, brimming with joy, laughter, and a dash of adventure. The captivating chemistry between the leads breathes life into this enchanting tale, making it a must-see. Mark your calendars for a viewing experience you won’t forget—The Heiress and the Handyman is one film you simply can't miss!
The Heiress and the Handyman Cast:
Jodie Sweetin, Corey Sevier and Ann Pirvu
Stream The Heiress and the Handyman September 14, 2024 on Hallmark!