Ex-Pentagon official claims US has recovered alien bodies
A former top Pentagon spy claims that the US has recovered 'aliens.'
Former US counterintelligence official and onetime Pentagon UFO investigator Luis Elizondo told reporters that he can confirm one of two 'vehicles of unknown origin' were recovered from the now legendary Roswell UFO crash of 1947.
More shocking still, Elizondo said, 'We, as a nation have, been interested in not only the vehicles themselves but the occupants,' which he called 'biological specimens.'
Elizondo helped release three of the most famous UFO videos in history after leaving his role in the US Department of Defense in late 2017. His new explosive allegations come amid the ex-spy's press tour for his new memoir. They'll be broadcast in NewsNation's Special Report: Confessions of a UFO Hunter at 9PM ET on Friday August 23.