شیطان کی سازش: سانپ اور مور کو بہکا کر جنت میں داخل ہونے کا منصوب

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Adam was made of clay. For this act of defiance, Satan was expelled from heaven and cursed by Allah.

However, Satan was determined to find a way back into heaven to take revenge on Adam. Knowing that he could not enter heaven directly, he sought the help of a creature that could move between the realms.

The Snake's Role
Satan approached a snake, which at that time had legs and could walk. He persuaded the snake to help him enter heaven by offering to share its body. The snake, either out of curiosity or greed, agreed to Satan's request. It allowed Satan to hide inside its mouth, so he could be smuggled back into heaven without being noticed by the angels.

The Peacock's Role
Once inside heaven, Satan needed to find a way to approach Adam and Eve. Here, the peacock, known for its beauty and pride, came into the story. The peacock was initially a guardian at the gates of heaven and was responsible for ensuring that no evil entered. However, Satan, using his cunning, flattered the peacock and convinced it that by allowing him to stay in heaven, the peacock would become even more powerful and respected.

The peacock, influenced by its vanity and Satan’s sweet words, allowed Satan to stay, believing it would gain favor. This decision led to Satan's encounter with Eve.

The Temptation and the Fall
With the snake's help, Satan was able to approach Eve in the form of a whispering voice. He tempted her to eat from the forbidden tree, convincing her that it would grant her eternal life and knowledge. Eve, persuaded by Satan’s words, ate the fruit and shared it with Adam. This act led to the downfall of both Adam and Eve and their eventual expulsion from heaven to Earth.

Consequences for the Snake and the Peacock
As a result of their actions, both the snake and the peacock faced consequences. The snake, which once walked on legs, was condemned to crawl on its belly for the rest of its existence, becoming a symbol of deceit and treachery. The peacock, once a guardian of heaven, was stripped of its role and became a symbol of vanity and pride.

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