Preparing To Move Closer To Becky: Reacting With Positive PR: July 30 - August 21, 2017

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While Becky has time off work, Amberlynn gets a hotel for the two in Lexington. The next few days are spent with Becky's friends and family going to the lake and celebrating a wedding. There's some drama going on between Dana & Amberlynn but seems to blow over pretty fast when Amberlynn unloads a bunch of clothes and stuff on Dana. Becky & Amberlynn pick up a cold while with Becky's family then carry the cold around with them as they go out to eat, get convenience store slushies, play video games while visiting Dana & Destiny , and might have went to see Rafe & Hannah. When she's not on the go, Amberlynn has been packing up the apartment she once shared with Destiny. During some YouNow live streams, Amberlynn indicates that she will be moving closer to Becky, but does not disclose exactly where she will be moving yet.

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