Get ready for a chilling experience with your first look at The Monkey, a horror film adaptation of Stephen King’s bone-chilling novella. This highly anticipated movie stars Theo James, Tatiana Maslany, and Elijah Wood, each bringing their unique talents to the screen in a tale of terror and suspense. The Monkey delves into the eerie story of a cursed toy monkey whose sinister powers wreak havoc on those who come into contact with it. With a cast that promises to deliver intense performances and a story that taps into deep-seated fears, this film is set to be a must-watch for horror fans. Don’t miss out on what’s sure to be one of the most talked-about Stephen King adaptations.
The Monkey Cast:
Theo James, Tatiana Maslany, Elijah Wood, Christian Convery, Colin O'Brien, Rohan Campbell and Sarah Levy
The Monkey will hit theaters everywhere February 21, 2025!