Akshay Kumar has remained low in the last few years when it comes to interaction with the media. But now with Khel Khel Mein coming up this Independence Day, the superstar along with the entire starcast - Vaani Kapoor, Fardeen Khan, Ammy Virk, Aditya Seal and Pragya Jaiswal - join host Nayandeep Rakshit for a conversation, only on Galatta India. In this candid and deep chat, Akshay opens up on criticism, insecurities of a star, why he loves multi-starrers and lies. The film that's a remake of Perfect Strangers revolves around a night when phones change inter personal relationships and dynamics between a group of friends. When you ask the whole gang the same, they open up on the basic requirements of any relationship. And Akshay discusses the secret to his happy marriage with Twinkle Khanna and explains why they are polar opposites. He also reveals what they love doing, how Twinkle calls a spade a spade but he prefers to be diplomatic instead. Watch this heartfelt chat right here.