In a heartfelt announcement, Dania Shah, the widow of the late TV host Dr. Aamir Liaquat, has shared that she has remarried. Dania confirmed in a video statement that she tied the knot with Shehzad a few months ago. Facing numerous personal challenges, Dania needed a supportive partner, and after careful consideration, she accepted Shehzad's proposal. Another video shows Shehzad proudly introducing Dania to friends and addressing skeptics of their marriage, affirming that they have been happily married for several months. This new chapter comes after Dania's arrest in 2022 for allegedly making and spreading an indecent video of Aamir Liaquat, a charge from which she was later released by court order. Join us in wishing Dania and Shehzad happiness in their new journey together. Stay tuned for more updates on their story.
#DaniaShah #AamirLiaquat #SecondMarriage #NewBeginnings #Shehzad #PersonalGrowth #LoveStory #MarriageAnnouncement #SupportivePartner #HappyCouple