Microbe Formulas in Enhanced Health and Wellness Products

Planet TV Studios 2024-07-26

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Microbe Formulas, established in 2017, has set out to restore hope and health around the globe through producing all-natural herbal supplements, educational media, and guided wellness programs. The company began with two doctors who wanted to provide effective, natural solutions for detoxification and gut health.

Dr. Jay Davidson and Dr. Todd Watts, co-founders of Microbe Formulas, were drawn together through the commonality of personal unresolved health issues. They were ultimately motivated to "make solutions that work" because they and their families were struggling and could not find a solution. This led them to research and dive into alternative medicine for answers.

Over time, these discoveries led them to understanding the importance of drainage and gut health and how toxins and parasites cannot be detoxified if the drainage and energy pathways are not open first.

Now, Microbe Formulas offers a specific protocol that helps patients take the herbal remedies in the right order and the right proportion to work toward resolving their chronic illnesses and work on the root cause of imbalanced health. The company has a firm belief in building a foundation before any progress can be made. The protocol is four months to 10 months long, based on the needs of the patient.

The company has multiple innovative supplements to offer, but there are two specific substances that make them unique: BioActive Carbon and Mimosa Pudica seed. Microbe Formulas' episode on New Frontiers will go more into detail on these proprietary materials and their benefits, along with sharing stories of hope and health.

Microbe Formulas is a wellness company that believes a "healthy microbiome is a healthy you." This starts with opening drainage pathways, supporting energy at the mitochondrial level, and detoxing unwanted substances. Microbe Formulas' core values are front and center in the company mission: "Creating solutions that work is what we do. Restoring hope and health is who we are."

For more information about Microbe Formulas, please visit https://microbeformulas.com/.

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