The Thin Blue Line (1995) S01E01 "The Queen's Birthday Present" | British sitcom [576p]

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"The Thin Blue Line" is a British television sitcom that aired from 1995 to 1996. Created and written by Ben Elton, the show stars Rowan Atkinson as Inspector Raymond Fowler, the quirky and old-fashioned head of the fictional Gasforth police station. The sitcom revolves around the comedic interactions and misadventures of the police officers at the station, combining satire and slapstick humor. Atkinson's character, Fowler, is notable for his bumbling yet well-meaning nature, and the series explores themes of law enforcement, bureaucracy, and the often absurd aspects of police work. "The Thin Blue Line" is remembered for its witty writing, memorable characters, and Atkinson's comedic performance.

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