Delta Squadron is a High Ticket "LIVE" Video tutorial program where Michael Cheney will literally hold you hands and guide you through each and eavry step of online marketing. When i say "Hold Your Hands" I mean it!! And it does not end there, you will be in "Direct Contact" with him where he will give access to his inbox Market research and what to promote and what to dump. You Can have TWO Level Of access: DELTA SQUADRON -$97 per Month -x4 “Cash Casts” per Month -High-Level Interaction DELTA SQUADRON ELITE -$37 per Month Additional -“War Room Wealth” x4 per Month -Cash Recon x1 per Month -$10,000 Blueprint x 1 per Month CASH AMMO PACK -Armor-Piercing Bullets -Laser-Guided Money Bombs -Profit-Seeking Missiles COMMAND LEVEL ACCESS -Command HQ Hotline -Tactical Air Strikes -$5M Confidential Swipe Files -Squadron Support Fast Pass SECRET WEAPONS -Profit Launchers -Exploding Wealth Grenades -Supernova Delta squadron is "Live" video tutorial coaching program where Michael Cheney will be in close contact with the members and teach them how to make money really quick.