In India, every dominant divine energy has many forms and names. Among the many virtues of Lord Shiva, the most popular one is where Shiva is addressed as Bholenath; it means one who is innocent and easy to please.
The legend goes like this: Lord Shiva granted a boon to anyone who praised him, or performed penance with faith and devotion. All the demons took undue advantage of this and worshiped Lord Shiva as they knew that it was easy to please him and then receive a boon.
Ravana, who was a great priest, administrator, warrior, and devotee of Lord Shiva was known as the demon of demons. He loved himself and his powers a lot.
The story of Shiv Tandav Stotram begins on a day when Ravana tried to lift the Kailash mountain in his hand to take Lord Shiva along with him to Sri Lanka. As a consequence, Lord Shiva pressed his toe, and in the process, crushed the fingers of Ravana. Ravana cried in pain. To escape from the wrath of Lord Shiva, Ravana sang a hymn which came to be known as the popular Shiva Tandav Stotram.
It is said that music is the most powerful tool to please the Lord. Lord Shiva was engrossed in the music of Ravana and became immensely pleased. When Lord Shiva told Ravana to ask for a boon, Ravana requested that the Lord confer him with the most powerful tool and thus, became indestructible.