On June 5, sister Priyanka Gandhi Vadra penned an emotional note for her brother Rahul Gandhi. The Congress leader congratulated Gandhi for never backing down and always fighting for the truth. Rahul Gandhi won from both Rae Bareli and Wayanad by huge margins. Congress showed a massive improvement as they bagged 99 seats. In an emotional post, proud sister Priyanka Gandhi heaped praises on her brother and said, “…you never stopped fighting for the truth despite the overwhelming propaganda of lies they spread.” She added, “…you never allowed anger and hatred to overcome you, even when they gifted it to you every day.” Priyanka Gandhi called Rahul, “the bravest of all”. As per the Election Commission of India, BJP won 240 seats. The Congress improved its performance from 52 Seats in 2019 to 99 in 2024. The BJP-led NDA bagged 293 seats. The INDIA Bloc settled at 232.