Four ways to reach Krishna || Acharya Prashant, on Bhagavad Gita (2020)

Acharya Prashant 2024-05-31

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Video Information: Month of Awakening, 24.04.2020, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

मय्येव मन आधत्स्व मयि बुद्धिं निवेशय ।
निवसिष्यसि मय्येव अत ऊर्ध्वं न संशयः ॥

8. Fix thy mind on Me only, place thy intellect in Me: (then) thou shalt no doubt live in Me hereafter.

अथ चित्तं समाधातुं न शक्नोषि मयि स्थिरम् ।
अभ्यासयोगेन ततो मामिच्छाप्तुं धनञ्जय ॥

9. If thou art unable to fix thy mind steadily on Me, then by Abhyasa-Yoga do thou seek to reach Me, O Dhanañjaya.

अभ्यासेऽप्यसमर्थोऽसि मत्कर्मपरमो भव ।
मदर्थमपि कर्माणि कुर्वन् सिद्धिमवाप्स्यसि ॥

10. If also thou art unable to practice Abhyasa, be thou intent on doing actions for My sake. Even by doing actions for My sake, thou shalt attain perfection.

अथैतदप्यशक्तोऽसि कर्तुं मद्योगमाश्रितः ।
सर्वकर्मफलत्यागं ततः कुरु यतात्मवान् ॥
11. If thou art unable to do even this, then taking refuge in Me, abandon the fruit of all action, being self-controlled.

~Shrimad Bhagwad Gita (Chapter-12, Verses-8,9,10 and 11)

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Music Credits: Milind Date

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