8 Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency.
Hey there! Let’s talk about Signs You’re Low on Vitamin C! Don’t worry, maintaining a balanced diet makes it easy to get enough of this essential nutrient. Did you know that a mere ½ cup of raw red bell pepper or ¾ cup of orange juice can meet your daily needs? But here’s the catch: your body doesn’t make or store vitamin C, so you have to eat it every day. Who’s most at risk? Well, it’s typically those with an overall poor diet, kidney disease patients undergoing dialysis, heavy drinkers, and smokers. Speaking of smokers, they need an extra 35 milligrams of vitamin C per day to help repair the damage caused by free radicals. If you’re among the 7% of Americans not getting enough vitamin C, you’ll start noticing symptoms within 3 months. Here’s what to look out for.