Krishna Murti: Human Rights Violation and Request for Immediate UN Intervention

Balige Academy 2024-04-21

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Subject: Urgent Human Rights Violation Alert Involving Inspector General Krishna Murti and Request for Immediate UN Intervention

United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Dear Sir/Madam,
Allow me to introduce myself, I am Rismon Hasiholan Sianipar, a digital forensics expert who was summoned as a witness in Indonesia for the trial by Jessica Kumala Wongso's legal counsel in 2016.

I am writing to bring to your attention a grave violation of human rights orchestrated by Inspector General Krishna Murti, who abused his authority by unlawfully incarcerating Jessica Kumala Wongso in solitary confinement for a duration of four months under inhumane conditions commonly referred to as "torture cells." During this period, Jessica Kumala Wongso was subjected to psychological torment and denied her fundamental rights, including access to legal representation and due process.

Furthermore, Krishna Murti orchestrated the fabrication of evidence against Jessica Wongso by manipulating CCTV footage to implicate her falsely in a criminal offense. This egregious act not only undermined the integrity of the legal system but also represented a blatant violation of Jessica Wongso's right to a fair trial and presumption of innocence.

The actions of Krishna Murti not only violated the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but also contravened international treaties and conventions aimed at safeguarding the rights and dignity of individuals.

Krishna Murti intentionally downscaled the CCTV video footage from 1920x1080 pixels to 960x576 pixels, resulting in the blurring of all objects, and deliberately reduced the frame rate from 25 frames per second to 10 frames per second.

The forensic impact of these deliberate actions was significant. By reducing the resolution and frame rate of the CCTV footage, critical visual information essential for accurate analysis and interpretation was obscured or lost entirely. The deliberate blurring of objects due to downscaling diminished the ability of forensic experts to identify individuals, discern actions, and reconstruct events accurately. Moreover, the reduction in frame rate further exacerbated this issue, resulting in choppy and disjointed footage that hampered efforts to establish a coherent timeline of events.

The motive behind Inspector General Krishna Murti's actions was twofold. Firstly, the deliberate degradation of the CCTV footage served to obfuscate incriminating evidence and undermine the credibility of the legal proceedings. By rendering key details indiscernible and impeding forensic analysis, Inspector General Krishna Murti sought to create ambiguity and doubt regarding the guilt or innocence of the accused, thereby subverting the course of justice.

Secondly, the intentional manipulation of the CCTV footage reflected a broader pattern of abuse of power and disregard for human rights within the law enforcement...

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