A pacer runner for half marathons has revealed what it's like - and prints out laminated cards to make sure she is on time for each mile.
Lauren Orchard, 29, got the bug for marathons after she ran her first without any training while at Brighton university.
When she finally got to run the London marathon in April 2023 she spent four months consistently training and completed with a time of four hours and 16 minutes.
But afterwards she felt something was "missing" and decided to become a pacer - someone who runs in races to help set the pace for runners.
Now she has been a pacer for 10 half marathons and "loves it".
Lauren, a data analyst, from Walton-on-Thames, Surrey said: "When I'd done it [the London marathon] I felt like something was missing.
"I had dedicated so much time to running.
"I'd always been so thankful for the pacer and thought I can do that.
"I run as evenly as possible.
"People are relying on me to run an accurate run.
"It's such a fufilling thing to do."
Lauren first completed the Brighton marathon in 2014.
She said: "I struggled through in just five hours.
"As awful as it was I really enjoyed it."
Last year, Lauren took a British Heart Foundadion slot to run the London marathon.
She said: "I thought I'm doing it properly this time.
"I did a full training plan.
"My whole life revolved around training."
Lauren remembered how grateful she had been for the pacer during her races and reached out to companies to see if she could be one.
She ran her first race as a pacer for the St Albans half marathon in June 2023 and has now done 10 runs as a pacer.
Lauren said: "Everyone is so grateful and so thankful."
Lauren runs a pace between one hour and 50 minutes and two hours and 30 minutes - and prints out laminated cards to keep the right pace at each mile.
As well as keeping the pace she is there for encouragement to help people get over the line.
Although Lauren is not running in the London marathon this year - she is sharing her tips for those taking part.
She said: "No matter what happens remember to enjoy it.
"Make sure you plan your route to start really clearly.
"Plan your race day outfit and do a test run in it.
"Eat lots of carbs and protein."
Lauren would love to pace the London marathon.
She said: "I've found a true hobby and passion.
"My goal would be to pace a marathon."