'World's largest anaconda' found dead in the Amazon

SWNS 2024-03-27

Views 115

The 'world's largest anaconda' which went viral last month was found dead in the Amazon.

Scientists discovered the new species in July last year and a video of Dutch biologist Freek Vonk swimming next to the huge snake went viral last month (February 2024).

Professor Freek Vonk said on his Instagram: "It's with a lot of pain in my heart that I would like to let you know that the mighty big green anaconda I swam with was found dead in the river this weekend.

I have heard from various sources that she was shot dead, although there is still no official confirmation on the cause of death.

"I'm so sad and so angry at the same time! What a sad and tragic loss. And how SICK do you have to be to do this to such a beautiful and unique animal!?"

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