مسجد الحرام کی چھت پر معمر اور معذور افراد کو طواف کی سہولت کےلیے گالف کارٹس
Golf carts to facilitate Tawaf for the elderly and disabled on the roof of Masjid al-Haram
Special golf carts have been provided for elderly and sick pilgrims in Al Haram Mosque by the Department of Haramain Sharifeen.
Golf carts are circumambulated from the roof of Masjid al-Haram. Initially 50 golf carts have been provided by the administration
Golf carts are available for limited hours from 4:00 PM to 4:00 AM.
Car fare is 25 riyals per person. Hargari has a seating capacity of 10 people.
Arrangements for booking vehicles have been made at various gates of Masjid al-Haram, including the electric escalators in the direction of Bab Ajayad, Shah Abdul Aziz Gate and the lift in the direction of Umrah Gate.
After booking the golf carts from these places, the facility of the car can be obtained by reaching the roof of Masjid al-Haram through the lift.