PMD: On Borrowed Time - Chapter 2 (Part 1/2) | EoS Nuzlocke 【Comic Dub】

Angiix08 2024-03-23

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Author Wooled :

On Borrowed Time (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky Nuzlocke) by Wooled :

Do not steal, repost, or reuse this English fan-comic unless you got the author's permission. I explicitly asked for permission to use this comic. Contact me or the author to use this. The author has also explicitly allowed me to monetize this video.

Cast :
Cninja as Malachi the Shinx/Luxio :
V. Rae as Maelstrom the Spiritomb :
JVA as Matt the Raichu :
bforpotato as Rune the Alolan Vulpix :
DeluxeDubs as Diglett :
bigjetts1 again as NPC 1 :
Dev0t33 as NPC 2 :
Karisea Reineke as NPC 3 and Mollie the Lileep :
Cursed with Glorius Purpose as Keaton the Chatot :
Write It Out as Guildmaster the Wigglytuff :
Mildhot Sauce as Omar the Shellos :
TriforceAK as Requiem :
(Edited by Angiix08 & uploaded on Cloudy Chao Dubs)

Description taken from ComicFury :
"Waves lazily lap the shore, shimmering and reflecting the bubbles that waft across the painted sunset on this cool summer evening. The world seems too still and calm to be dying. But as time itself slows to a standstill from the theft of ancient relics, life is leeching away from the once vibrant lands.

Enter Malachi, a partially evolved Shinx appointed by the mysterious "Maelstrom" as her champion. Problem is, neither of them quite know what has to be done to save the world. Matters are only complicated when an amnesiac Alolan Vulpix washes ashore with her own mysteries to solve. As our heroes meet new friends and foes alike, they find that they may be involved in something much greater, much larger, and much more sinister than any of them bargained for.

A PMD comic based off of a Nuzlocke playthrough of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky! Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays."

Found out someone else had done chapter 1 of this series already and had to step up my game a bit.. I'm also super indecisive with music so let's see how it all goes. If you see a change in editing, this was done before and after my vacation during October.

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