#FlatStomach #WeightLoss #FatLoss
When you have areas that you might feel have excess fat, that may cause those areas to look slightly bigger. Men and women experience different parts that they feel store the most excess fat. For women, those problem areas are usually their thighs, buttocks, arms, and, you guessed it, stomach. Have no fear, we’re here to help you out with weight loss tips and exercises on how to get rid of that belly bloat!
#FlatStomach #WeightLoss #FatLoss
13. Eat more potassium: Consuming a lot of salt is bad for you. However, if you eat just as much potassium-rich foods (think asparagus, citrus fruits, melons, tomatoes, bananas) it counters some of the side effects of salt. All it takes is a slight adjustment in your diet plan!
12. Drink 8 glasses of liquid every day: Water helps flush waste out of your system and it keeps your digestive system going. Coffee is also good–as long as it’s black, as it has the added bonus of contracting your colon, helping you to go. Try to drink water as soon as you wake up every morning, and keep a water bottle handy on you all day.
11. Drink peppermint tea: According to Health magazine, tea helps to alleviates gas by relaxing the digestive tract and boosting normal peristalsis.
10. Don’t eat too fast: Eating quickly can cause air swallowing–which leads to bloating. Keep in mind that digestion starts in the mouth, and chewing your food more can go a long way in this department.
9. Stop drinking carbonated drinks: As we mentioned earlier in the video, you should cut out all carbonated drinks from your diet plan. The gas in these drinks, even diet ones, trap gas in your belly, resulting in belly bloat. Replace them with flavored water using a lemon, lime, or cucumber. It’s for your own good!
8. Stop chewing gum: This leads to swallowing air, which can cause bloating. If you have the need to be chewing something, try sucking on a piece of hard candy or eat lower-fat popcorn.
7. Get in the habit of reading food labels: When buying processed, canned or frozen foods, make sure there’s no more than 500 mg of sodium per serving. Eating a lot of sodium is a good recipe to get bloated.
6. Stop it before it starts: weight loss isn’t easy - especially if you’ve developed poor eating habits that are hard to kick. Get rid of that belly bloating by ditching these bad habits! Cutting excess salt can go a long way when it comes to bloating. Drinking three liters of water a day also helps when avoiding excess salt to prevent water retention.
5. Dumbbell Floor Press. The first exercise that you can do to help out frustrating areas like your arms and back is the dumbbell floor press. According to Women’s Fitness, this exercise is a pure upper body movement, allowing you to press some heavy weights without hurting your shoulders and back.
Before we get to the next exercise it is important to realize that everyone experiences those annoying folds